Locomotive Daily Inspection (CFR 229) – Virtual Interactive Guide (VIG)
BACKGROUND & PROBLEM: Every day that a locomotive is in use it must receive a Daily Inspection. This inspection is a thorough examination of all major components of the locomotive to ensure that no safety hazards exist, as well as, confirming that the locomotive meets all Federal Railroad Administration requirements (CFR 229). Currently Railroads provide training with PowerPoint style presentations and hands-on training, which is limited by class size and availability of locomotives.
SOLUTION OVERVIEW: To make procedural knowledge readily available in classroom training and in the field, Railroads can deploy a Virtual Interactive Guide (VIG) covering the inspection process. The VIG guides workforce through steps of the Daily Inspection with individual steps in both text and 3D animation. Ability to replay, move forward/back, search and jump to steps. Necessary safety and technical information is displayed.
Used for: Classroom Training, Self-paced refresher, Job Aid (Field) tool.
- 200+ inspection items covered.
- Inspection items show multiple settings, such as lights in all available settings.
- Inspection items show possible defects in two visual states – “good” or “bad”.
- Virtual inspection form to fill is displayed.
Available on PC, iOS, Android, Web (LMS/SCORM)
- Improved knowledge of Locomotive components and functions and Increased efficiency when performing the Locomotive Daily Inspection.
- Reduced need for live equipment (Locomotives allocated for training).
- Readily available refresher training tool.
After using the sim, employees should be able to:
- Identify defective components on locomotives.
- Inspect wheels/trucks for defects.
- Identify safety hazards on locomotives.
- Measure locomotive components to determine if they meet requirements.
- Setup locomotive for operation including RCO setup and MU setup.
Download the Brochure here.
This year 45,315 railroaders will stay competent with these training simulations and guides.
Want to license this training solution for your workforce? Reach out here – [email protected] or call 888.781.0274 ext. 701
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