An acquaintance once light-heartedly introduced me as the “Master of 3D” – to which I replied without a blink, “No. I am a student of 3D, and always will be.”
Before you start wondering “What’s his problem?” let me explain: It’s not that I can’t take a compliment. It’s because the moment we consider ourselves a master, we slow the process of learning. And there is always more to learn.
I’m not just talking about formal learning that happens in a classroom – though it matters there too, and I’ll get to that. But think about the ways we must constantly evolve – by learning to use new technologies and adapt to changing processes.
As we assimilate new information our level of experience may grow, but we are never DONE learning. Mastery is just an illusion. That’s why an open attitude about learning is so important.
It’s also one of the reasons Virtual 3D Interactive Training is so fantastic – it’s flexible enough to accommodate all levels of learning at any given time, so that learning evolution can continue via:
Training at the pace of the individual – With new employee training especially there can be a lot to absorb, and quickly. Limiting that training process to the time available with a classroom instructor, or someone pulled from their regular duties to provide training, puts a lot of pressure on the trainee. This is when things fall through the cracks – especially if the trainee feels they “need” to be up to speed within a certain timetable.
3D Interactive Training can be done on a trainee’s own time, and reviewed as often as necessary – without the feeling that the instructor’s/trainer’s time is being wasted.
Refresher training for newbies and infrequent tasks – Similarly, 3D Interactive allows for easy refreshing of prior tasks before moving on to the next thing. Or for refreshing of important protocols/scenarios that occur infrequently – which are exactly the types of tasks that can result in injuries, due to lack of practice.
3D Interactive Training modules are always at the ready – unlike live production equipment and classroom instructors.
Ongoing training for those moving up the ladder – It’s not just new hires that require training. Workers moving up to new positions also need training. These workers likely have a good sense of overall knowledge, but don’t know what they don’t know. Applying 3D Interactive Training with a flipped classroom model gives them the chance to review what they DO know, and figure out what questions to ask to make their continued training most productive.
3D Interactive Training opens doors to discussion that other training often doesn’t leave time for.
Learning – no matter what the situation – is an ongoing process that never ends. Like perfection, mastery is a journey – not a destination.
“Never grow up, but never stop growing.”
Arthur C. Clarke