Each week, we’ll be highlighting 3D Tech Talk from around the Web that catches our eye, focusing specifically on how interactive technology is being used right now and where it’s headed.
Paperless Training On Airplanes
Already offering handbooks and “onboard performance tools,” mobile training for airplanes is not far behind. With the goal of making training more interactive, airlines are considering “game-based technology” to be incorporated in future efforts. This is one to watch.
Extending Tire Life Through Simulator-based Training
This “Advanced Equipment Simulator-based operator training program” shows operators how to use equipment “in a productive manner while assessing and eliminating behaviors that cause unnecessary tire wear. Properly trained operators extend tire life without impacting productivity.” How effective is it? They’ve realized a 27% reduction in replacements due to damage (compared to the same time period the year before) AND overall tire life has increased from 3.3% to 14%.
3D Printing Goes 4D
We’ve talked about the four generations of 3D learning, with the fourth generation adapting to users on the fly. The same concept applies to 4D printing: In essence, the “fourth dimension” represents change—4D printing simply refers to printers that create objects that can transform over time and, in some cases, self-assemble.
Do you have a 3D Tech Talk tip? Hit us up here and we’ll try to work it in to a future update! And check out our interactive training videos to see some of the many ways businesses are benefitting from this technology.
Photo credit: Studio Roosegaarde on Flickr