3D Tech Talk – Air Force, Bulldozers, Submarines

Welcome to our recurring post, 3D Interactive Tech Talk, highlighting how interactive technology is being used right now and where it’s headed.

Bulldozer Simulator Trains Operators On Basic Operations
Offering seven simulations of core skills, VISTA Training now puts trainees in control of medium-sized bulldozers via PC-based bulldozer simulator software. “By using them together, fleet owners can provide comprehensive yet cost-effective training to their operator candidates,” said VISTA Training President Rick Longstaff. Indeed.

Air Force Simulated Training Teaches Refueling Operation
Air Force officials know that “the future of training lies in moving more pilot hours to simulators. Their goal is to take advantage of technological improvements and save money.” Their latest effort, sporting “the ability to throw almost 70 different scenarios at trainees” is an interactive, immersive simulation providing a realistic KC-135 refueling operation. Check it out.

WiFi Will Soon Be Available On Navy Subs
As part of its next generation computer-network, the Navy will soon be adding WiFi its fleet to combat “the biggest time-wasters” – 3M (maintenance and material management). They’ll be using iPads to streamline training, maintenance and likely other operational issues. THIS is one to watch.

Do you have a 3D Tech Talk tip? Hit us up here and we’ll try to work it in to a future update! And check out our interactive training videos to see some of the many ways businesses are benefitting from this technology.

Photo credit: EADSpics on Flickr