3D Interactive Tech Talk – Snow Plow Sim, Hololens with NASA

Welcome to our recurring post, 3D Interactive Tech Talk, highlighting how interactive technology is being used right now and where it’s headed.

Simulator Training Keeps Snow Plow Drivers in Iowa at the Ready

54bc6512c36b1.imageDriving a snow plow is no easy task, given that plows come into play when winter weather is at its worst. Blinding snow, icy roads, and inconsiderate drivers are just a few of the hazards the Iowa Department of Transportation prepares its plow drivers for with the help of a mobile simulator that mimics conditions and scenarios snow plow drivers routinely face. In addition to training new drivers, the simulator is great for refreshing drivers after seasons with minimal snowfall.


Microsoft Ups the Ante on 3D Technology with HoloLens
(This was released a while ago, but we felt this post summarized it well)

axcdccbxgftlmwhbd0uoMove over Oculus, there’s a new headset in town, and it’s a self-contained CPU, GPU, and holographic processor in one. Microsoft’s new HoloLens headset takes the 3D experience to a new level giving wearers the ability to create an entire holographic environment, or object printable via 3D printer. Billed by Microsoft as “the new PC,” the HoloLens is already being targeted by NASA to conduct experiments on Mars using 3D recreations of both the planet, and the Curiosity rover.

Do you have a question regarding this technology? Hit us up here now and discuss your thoughts!

And check out our interactive training applications to see some of the many ways businesses are benefiting from this technology.

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