3D Interactive Tech Talk – Virtually Dissecting Bodies, Construction Training using Gaming Tech

Welcome to our recurring post, 3D Interactive Tech Talk, highlighting how interactive technology is being used right now and where it’s headed.

Medical Students Virtually Dissecting Cadavers
Allowing students to become “immersed in the human body” minus the undoubtedly lovely smells, the Visible Human Project offers two 3D models – one of a man and one of a woman, both frozen in the 1990s.

“To view the model, users wear active shutter glasses—the same kind used in many home 3D televisions. Active shuttering uses liquid crystals in the lenses of the eyewear that rapidly alternate between transparent and opaque, and this flickering is synchronized wirelessly with the projectors so the video shown on the walls present a different picture to each eye.”

Mirroring the 3D-modeled World, Construction Training Turns to Gaming Tech
Recognizing the many benefits of virtual training, construction firms are embracing this “low-cost, accessible” technology that expertly combines “visualization and education.” Beyond simulating operations and assembly, the technology offers enhanced safety and training capabilities. Check out some use cases here.

Do you have a 3D Tech Talk tip? Hit us up here and we’ll try to work it in to a future update!  And check out our interactive training videos to see some of the many ways businesses are benefiting from this technology.