3D Interactive Tech Talk – Canadian, US Military using Gaming,VR

Welcome to our recurring post, 3D Interactive Tech Talk, highlighting how interactive technology is being used right now and where it’s headed.

How VR is Saving US Military Lives and Money

8825b81d-98e9-4256-94d9-b5b0ffd49e5bJude Tomasello, deputy director of field operations for the Program Executive Office for Simulation Training and Instrumentation, is the liaison between the Army and the contractors who create the virtual simulations used for soldier training. And he understands first-hand the benefits of VR for soldiers. “You can do failures of a helicopter without endangering anyone.”Because of this, critical maneuvers can be done “over and over again until the reaction is instinctive among the pilots.” Not to mention the cost savings, and eco-benefits, of not having to use actual fuel. Though he might wish he could afford the quality of graphics the Xbox generation is accustomed to, hearing the gratitude of soldiers who credit his training with saving their lives more than makes up for it.


Canadian Armed Forces Taking Advantage of VR

Communitech-Hub-Advanced-Visualization-3D-Cave-Image-1A motion capture suit is in the near future for the Canadian Armed Forces who plan to use it to upgrade the abilities of their “Corner CAVE” VR system. This technology can “create virtual 3D reproductions of anything that can be modeled in 3D, such as mechanical sub-components of an engine, a complex weapon system, or a piece of terrain.” It should offer a cutting-edge upgrade to their virtual training. Although in the early days there were Forces critics who argued VR training would hinder a soldier’s physical training,”230 simulators in 125 locations” later, it’s clear that the Forces have seen the advantages VR gives soldiers – like the opportunity to train in high risk situations without being in any actual danger.


Do you have a question regarding this technology? Hit us up here now to discuss how this could apply to your needs.

And check out our interactive training applications to see some of the many ways businesses are benefiting from this technology.

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