Welcome to our recurring post, 3D Interactive Tech Talk, highlighting how interactive technology is being used right now and where it’s headed.
Immersive 3D Technology Could Transform Safety Training for Chemical Industry
The Igloo, a new immersive training experience being trialed by BP, is set to revolutionize the approach to critical-task training for chemical engineering techs. Using a 360-degree projection screen, and realistic sound effects and responses, the Igloo enables techs to learn as they go in a virtual environment, and to make mistakes without the dire consequences that would result in a real-life scenario. The collaborative project between BP European Acetyls, BP Information Technology and Services Digital Innovation Organisation, Loughborough University, and immersive technology specialist Igloo Vision will be seeking funding to take the project further.
BP Investing in VR Training to Enhance Safety on Oil Rigs
BP is teaming up with Maersk (again) to use a virtual environment to train employees for working on oil rigs. Using cyber-drilling simulators, BP’s offshore employees and contractors will get hands-on experience, with a “team” focus far superior to that offered in traditional classroom training scenarios. The North Houston training facility should be operational by year’s end, and BP has a five-year contract with Maersk, with whom they previously collaborated on simulation training endeavors in Europe.
Do you have a question regarding this technology? Hit us up here now to discuss how this could apply to your needs.
And check out our interactive training applications to see some of the many ways businesses are benefiting from this technology.